Friday 20 April 2012

My First Blog Recipe

Well, I don't really have a name for this recipe,  except DELICIOUS.  If you want to impress someone and make them think you have mad cooking skills, this is the best and easiest recipe you could possibly make,  plus it takes no time at all!  I usually use whatever I have in my fridge as I always have some half vegetable of some kind and left over white meat.  You can use whatever you think would be yummy but I will tell you my suggestions here so you can go on that if you would  like. 

Here's your ingredient list:

White Wine-  I put this at the top of the list so you don't forget to buy it if you are heading out to the grocery.  This pasta is perfectly paired with white wine.  Choose a dry not so fruity wine to go with this one, as this cream sauce needs a simple friend, like a  Sauvignon Blanc, an un-oaked version is best. 

Pasta- Today I used Whole Wheat Bow Tie,  This recipe is best served with a bow tie or penne.  I like to use regular white pasta as I find the whole wheat a little heavy. 

3x Turkey Sausage- Italian style- If you live in Victoria these are from the Red Barn Market.  And they are perfect for this recipe. I cook them first by themselves and then cut them in to ¼" thick rounds to add to the prepared sauce.   I also use bite sizecut up chicken breast  sometimes, in that case cook the chicken separately to add to sauce after, season with Italian spices, do not overcook as they will continue cooking in the sauce.

3 cloves crushed garlic- If I can suggest one thing as a necessity in your kitchen it is a garlic "crusher" or slicer.  No more sticky fingers. 

Butter- LOTS.  I usually throw in 2-3 tables spoons to simmer the garlic in before I toss the other vegetables in.  If it's looking dry add more,  I never said this recipe was low fat,  I only promise it will be delicious. 

Vegetable medley- today I used

Zucchini- half of one diced in to ¼"-1/2" pieces
Asparagus- 8 spears
Orange Pepper-  I had half of one so I threw it in.
Crimini Mushrooms-  I like to use any kind of "button" mushroom as little flavour morsels,  they absorb tons of flavour plus they are packed full of nutrients!
Grape Tomatoes-  I used only the smallest ones and did not cut them.  Be careful when you go for your first bite, these will "pop" in your mouth and might be very hot! 

*If I would have had an onion on hand I would have used half of it and simmered it with the garlic.  This was still mouth watering without. 


500ml Cream Cheese plain
Large jar of prepared Tomato sauce -today I used Classico Tuscan as my tomato sauce base, I don't consider this cheating, you could make your own from scratch but this recipe is supposed to be easy.  Otherwise no one would make itJ 
Milk or Cream- whichever you have in your fridge, in case you need to cut the thickness of the sauce add just a bit. 
Diced tomatoes,  I like using the "Italian spices" one-  I didn't actually use these in the recipe today as I had already put in enough grape tomatoes to make me happy.  But feel free to do so if you don't have fresh tomatoes on hand.

Spices-   I threw in a little bit of basil, fresh parsley and oregano as well as a pinch of salt and some fresh ground pepper.  I do most of my seasoning "by taste"  Add a little- taste. Doesn't taste perfect add some more-taste.  Taste again because it's so delicious, stick your figure in the sauce because it's so good you can't help yourself-tasting!!!

Here are some pictures to give you an idea of how to prepare.  I took them on my camera phone so I apologize they are not "professional". 

These are the ingredients

Then I chopped everything up. I simmered the minced garlic in the butter while I was cutting the rest of the vegetables.  
Add the vegetables and stir around on medium - low until tender I put the tomatoes in last so they don't burst from the constant stirring.

Then add the cream cheese, keep stirring DON'T let it burn!
Stir stir stir

Then add the tomato sauce and mix together, this Tuscan one turned out to be quite sweet and even had olives in it! Bonus!!

Suddenly you have a Rose' sauce!!

Now add the already cooked sausage or chicken and stir, add spices to taste and let the sauce ripen together for about 15 minutes, if it becomes too thick add a bit of milk or cream. Taste test after 15 minutes and adjust spices if necessary.

Now cook your pasta. 

This time I added the pasta right to the sauce for an easy server. It presents nicer if you serve it over the pasta rather than stirring them together, I always feel like this makes it look like a type of hamburger helper meal. Not very Klassy of me. 

I really hope if you try this recipe you enjoy it as much as I do, and if you can think of a name for it I'd love to have one!!

Bon Appetit!!!

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